
18 DIY Anniversary Gift Ideas for Him

Let me tell you, as someone who’s been in a long-term relationship, I know the struggle of finding the perfect gift year after year. 

The usual suspects – cologne, watches, the same old tie – start to lose their charm after a while.

And let’s be honest, who wants to break the bank on an extravagant present when there are bills to pay and maybe even a future together to save for? 

Plus, there’s something so special about a gift that comes straight from the heart, something that shows you put time, effort, and thought into it.

That’s where DIY gifts come in. 

Not only are they budget-friendly, but they’re also incredibly personal and unique. 

There’s no better way to show your partner how much you care than by creating something specifically for them.

So, if you’re ready to ditch the generic gifts and create something truly memorable, I’ve got you covered. 

I’ve compiled a list of 21 DIY anniversary gift ideas that are sure to impress. 

We’ve got everything from sentimental keepsakes to practical everyday items, and all of them can be made with love and a little bit of creativity.

Ready to get started? 

Let’s dive in and discover the joy of DIY gifting!

DIY Anniversary Gift Ideas for Him

1. Personalized Song Lyric Wall Art

We all have that one song with our significant other. You know, the one that plays during the montage of your relationship in your head. 


Just me?

Nah, you too. 

Anyway, why not take those cheesy lyrics and plaster them on the wall?

Think about it: A giant canvas with the chorus from your first dance song, complete with glitter and maybe a few embarrassing photos from that night. 

It’s like a shrine to your love, but with a healthy dose of self-deprecation. 

Imagine your partner’s face when they see it. They’ll either laugh until they cry or question your sanity. 

Either way, it’s a win-win.

Plus, it’s a conversation starter. 

Your guests will have plenty to say about your questionable taste in music and decor. 

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good story about how you met your soulmate at a karaoke bar? 

Or was that just me again?

personalized wall art of song lyrics

2. His and Hers “Open When…” Letter Box

This one is a classic, but we’re taking it up a notch. 

Instead of the usual sentimental letters, let’s inject some humor into it. 

How about an “Open When You’re Having a Bad Hair Day” letter filled with ridiculous compliments and photos of celebrities with even worse hair? 

Or an “Open When You Need a Laugh” letter containing your most embarrassing childhood stories (bonus points if you include photos).

You can even create a letter for the most mundane situations. 

“Open When You’re Bored at Work,” “Open When You Can’t Decide What to Eat,” or even “Open When You Need to Be Reminded How Weird You Are.” 

The possibilities are endless!

This gift is all about celebrating your love and laughter. 

It’s a reminder that even in the toughest moments, you can always count on each other for a good laugh. 

And hey, if all else fails, at least you’ll have a box full of blackmail material to use against each other.

His and Hers "Open When..." Letter Box

3. DIY Engraved Wooden Watch with a Secret Message

Okay, hear me out. 

A watch? 

Isn’t that a bit… expected? 

But that’s where the fun comes in. 

We’re not talking about a boring old Timex here. 

We’re talking about a wooden watch that you’ve lovingly (or, let’s be real, painstakingly) engraved with a message.

But what kind of message, you ask? 

Well, that’s where things get interesting. 

Maybe it’s a classic declaration of love, like “I still tolerate you after all these years.” Or perhaps it’s a cheeky inside joke, like “Remember that time you locked us out of the car? Yeah, good times.” 

Heck, you could even engrave the coordinates of the spot where you first met… or the spot where you first considered ditching him (kidding… mostly).

The point is, this isn’t just a gift. 

It’s a wearable reminder of your unique brand of love, complete with all its quirks and inside jokes. 

And if he’s the type who’s constantly late, well, at least he’ll have a stylish excuse.

DIY Engraved Wooden Watch with a Secret Message

4. Custom Comic Book of Your Love Story

Remember that time you got food poisoning on your first date? 

Or that time he accidentally set off the fire alarm at your apartment? 

These aren’t exactly the stuff of fairy tales, but they’re your story, and that’s what makes it special.

So why not immortalize it in the form of a custom comic book? 

You can draw stick figures (or hire someone who actually has talent) to depict all the hilarious, awkward, and heartwarming moments that define your relationship.

Imagine him opening this gift and seeing his less-than-graceful proposal reimagined as a superhero battle. 

Or perhaps he’ll relive the time you both got lost on that camping trip and ended up arguing over a map (while being eaten alive by mosquitoes). 

It’s a gift that’s guaranteed to bring a smile to his face… and maybe a few cringes along the way.

A Comic Book

5. Hand-painted Leather Keychain with Coordinates

Guys, sadly, aren’t exactly known for their sentimental side. 

But that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate a thoughtful gift. 

Enter the hand-painted leather keychain with coordinates.

Now, before you roll your eyes, let me explain. 

We’re not talking about a cheesy heart-shaped keychain with your initials on it. We’re talking about a rugged, manly keychain that just so happens to have the coordinates of a special place engraved on it.

Maybe it’s the spot where you first said “I love you,” or the location of your favorite hiking trail. 

The point is, it’s a subtle reminder of your shared adventures, and it’s something he can carry with him wherever he goes. 

Plus, it’ll look way cooler than that keychain he got from the gas station.

Leather Keychains

6. Star Map of the Night You Met

Ah, the night you met. 

Was it a magical moment under a sky full of twinkling stars? 

Or was it a blurry encounter at a dive bar where the only “stars” you saw were the ones floating around your head after one too many tequila shots? 

Either way, a star map is a romantic gesture… in theory.

However, honestly speaking, unless your significant other is an astrophysics nerd, they’re probably going to look at it once, say, “Oh, cool,” and then stick it in a drawer somewhere. 

So why not spice things up a bit? 

Instead of just a plain star map, add some funny captions pointing out constellations like, “The Great Beer Bottle” or “The Sloth Hanging Upside Down.” 

You could even draw little stick figures of yourselves doing something ridiculous under the stars (bonus points if it involves a hotdog eating contest or a synchronized interpretive dance).

Star map

7. Memory Jar Filled with Date Night Ideas

A memory jar filled with date night ideas sounds sweet, right? 

Until you open it up and find suggestions like “Competitive snail racing” or “Pretend to be tourists in our own town and argue loudly with each other in fake accents.” 

But hey, who said date night had to be boring?

This is your chance to get creative (and maybe a little weird). 

Write down some outlandish ideas that’ll have you both laughing so hard you forget why you were fighting in the first place. 

Think: building a fort out of couch cushions and blankets, attempting to recreate famous movie scenes with zero acting talent, or hosting a “Worst Karaoke Night Ever” competition. 

The goal is to create memories so hilarious that you’ll need a bigger jar to hold them all.

Memory Jar Filled with Date Night Ideas

8. Love Coupon Booklet with Personalized Redemptions

Love coupons can be a fun and flirty way to show your partner you care. 

Or, they can be a source of endless amusement (and maybe a little blackmail material). Instead of the usual “One free back rub” or “Breakfast in bed,” get creative with the redemptions.

How about a coupon for “One guilt-free pass to watch the entire Star Wars trilogy without interruption” or “A full hour of me pretending to be interested in your favorite hobby that I secretly find incredibly boring”? 

You could even include coupons for things like “A free pass to critique my outfit without me getting offended” or “The right to tell me I’m wrong during an argument… just this once.” 

Remember, the key to a successful love coupon booklet is to make it personal, funny, and just a little bit embarrassing.

Love Coupon Booklet

9. Homemade Hot Sauce with Quirky Labels

Is your significant other obsessed with spice? 

Do they douse everything in hot sauce, even ice cream (don’t judge)? 

Then this is the perfect DIY gift for them! 

Whip up a batch of homemade hot sauce with a unique flavor profile. 

Think habanero-mango, ghost pepper-pineapple, or maybe even Carolina Reaper-chocolate (for the truly adventurous).

The real fun comes in the labeling. 

Design labels with inside jokes, hilarious puns, or even embarrassing photos of your partner. Imagine a label that says “Caution: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion” or one with a photo of them looking ridiculously sweaty after eating a spicy pepper. 

The laughter (and maybe tears) will be worth it!

Homemade Hot Sauce with Quirky Labels

10. “Year of Dates” Gift Box with Pre-Planned Outings

Is your significant other notorious for indecisiveness? Does “What do you want to do?” inevitably lead to a 3-hour debate and ultimately, no decision?

Fear no more! 

This “Year of Dates” gift box is the perfect antidote to decision fatigue.

Each month, he gets to unwrap a pre-planned outing. 

We’re not talking dinner and a movie here, folks. 

This is the year of adventure!

Think indoor rock climbing, a pottery class where he can recreate that infamous vase he broke last year, or maybe even a surprise weekend camping trip (don’t forget the bug spray!). 

Who knows, you might even discover he’s a hidden ax-throwing prodigy.

This gift is the gift of never having to ask, “What do you want to do?” ever again… for an entire year. 

Just imagine the marital bliss!

"Year of Dates" Gift Box with Pre-Planned Outings

11. Handmade Bath Bombs with His Favorite Scent

So your guy isn’t exactly known for his spa-day enthusiasm? 

Does the idea of a relaxing bath conjure images of him soaking in a kiddie pool surrounded by rubber ducks?

It’s time for an intervention, my friend. And by intervention, we mean bath bombs.

These aren’t your average, run-of-the-mill bath bombs. 

Oh no, these are manly bath bombs. We’re talking scents like “Campfire Smoke,” “Wood & Cedar,” or even “Bacon & Eggs” (hey, whatever floats his boat).

Drop one of these in the tub, and watch as he transforms from a stressed-out workaholic to a relaxed, blissed-out… well, a slightly less stressed-out workaholic.

Who knows, he might even start asking for foot rubs.

Aromatic purple bath bombs in glass jar arranged on white table

12. “Year of Us” Photo Album or Scrapbook

Upgrade his game with a “Year of Us” photo album or scrapbook. 

But we’re not talking about any old photo album. This is a curated collection of your most hilarious, awkward, and downright embarrassing moments together.

Think photos of him attempting to cook dinner (resulting in a kitchen fire), that time you got lost on a road trip and ended up in a cornfield, or even a photo of him asleep with his mouth wide open on the couch.

This gift is the perfect way to celebrate your love and remind him why you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him… even if he doesn’t always show it.

Man in Green Jacket Holding an Old Photo

13. What if your man’s a culinary Captain Chaos? 

You know the type – the one who thinks microwaving popcorn counts as cooking. 

But hey, even kitchen disasters have their charm! 

Grab a notebook and unleash your inner Gordon Ramsay. 

Scribble down those recipes that usually end up as smoke signals – the burnt toast, the instant ramen with questionable add-ins, even the legendary “mystery meat surprise.” 

Present it with a flourish and a fire extinguisher, just in case. 

Who knows, maybe this’ll inspire him to upgrade his kitchen game from nuking leftovers to… well, something slightly less disastrous.

handwritten recipe book

14. Personalized Spotify Playlist Plaque

You know that eclectic music taste your significant other has? 

The one that makes you question their sanity every time you get in the car? 

Well, it’s time to celebrate it! 

Create a personalized Spotify playlist plaque featuring their top 10 most embarrassing song choices. 

Think cheesy 80s ballads, one-hit wonders from the 90s, or that guilty pleasure boy band they secretly love.

Get the playlist printed on a stylish plaque and hang it proudly on the wall. It’s a constant reminder of their questionable music taste and a guaranteed conversation starter for anyone who visits your home. 

Bonus points if you include a QR code that links directly to the playlist so everyone can experience the cringe-worthy magic.

Personalized Spotify Playlist Plaque

15. “Reasons Why I Love You” Jar of Notes

A classic for a reason. 

It’s sweet, sentimental, and a little bit cliché. 

But let’s give it a twist, shall we? 

Instead of writing down all the mushy-gushy reasons why you love your partner, focus on the funny quirks and habits that make them uniquely lovable.

Think along the lines of, “I love how you always leave your socks on the floor like a breadcrumb trail to your lair” or “I adore the way you snort when you laugh, it’s like a tiny piglet escaped from your nose.” 

Fill the jar with these hilarious observations and watch your partner’s face light up as they read each one.

It’s a gift that’s equal parts funny, heartwarming, and a gentle reminder that you love them, quirks and all.

"Reasons Why I Love You" Jar of Notes

16. DIY Couples’ Trivia Game

Think you know your partner inside and out? 

Get ready to be humbled! 

This DIY trivia game is less about romantic milestones and more about those interesting quirks you’ve picked up along the way.

Questions could include:

  • “What’s the weirdest thing I do in my sleep?”
  • “What’s the most embarrassing nickname my childhood friends called me?”
  • “What food combo do I secretly love that I’d never admit in public?”
  • “If I were a superhero, what would my utterly useless power be?”

Bonus tip: Include categories like “Bad Jokes I Love,” “Songs I Sing Off-Key,” and “Mysteries of My Junk Drawer.”

Let’s just say, this game might reveal some things that are better left forgotten, LOL. 

DIY Couples' Trivia Game

17. “Our Bucket List” Map with Scratch-Off Destinations

Forget those generic scratch-off maps. 

You’re not basic, and neither are your travel dreams. 

Instead, create a personalized map of all the places you and your significant other dream of visiting. 

It could be anything from “Eat our way through Italy” to “Attend a cheese-rolling competition in England.” (Hey, we don’t judge.)

But here’s the twist: each destination isn’t just a location. 

It’s a memory waiting to happen. 

Behind each scratch-off, include a funny inside joke, a reference to a shared experience, or a silly challenge you have to complete at that location. 

Maybe it’s a dare to recreate that awkward beach photo from your first vacation or a reminder to finally try that weird food you both swore you’d never eat. 

It’s a map of adventures, laughter, and the occasional questionable decision – just like your relationship.

"Our Bucket List" Map with Scratch-Off Destinations

18. Upcycled Record Clock with Song of Your First Dance

Alright, so maybe your first dance wasn’t exactly a graceful waltz. Perhaps it involved more stepping on toes than twirling under the moonlight. 

Or maybe the DJ played the completely wrong song and you ended up slow dancing to a heavy metal ballad. 

Whatever your musical mishaps, they’re part of your love story.

That’s why an upcycled record clock featuring the song (or ahem, the unexpected tune) from your first dance is the perfect gift. 

It’s a quirky reminder that even when things don’t go according to plan, you always find a way to dance through it together. 

Bonus points if the clock’s hands get stuck in an endless loop, just like your two left feet on the dance floor.

Upcycled Record Clock with Song of Your First Dance

So there you have it. 

Some amazing DIY anniversary gift ideas that are sure to make your husband or boyfriend laugh, swoon, or maybe even scratch their head in delightful confusion. 

Whether you’re celebrating your first year together or your fiftieth, these handmade tokens of love are the perfect way to show just how much you care. 

Remember, it’s not about how much you spend, but the thought and effort you put into making something special for the one who holds your heart.

So grab your glue gun, unleash your creativity, and get ready to celebrate your love story in the most unique and memorable way possible. 

Happy anniversary!

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