60 Birthday Gift Ideas For Your Best Friend

I remember that day when the notification beeped on the status bar – “It’s Jess’s Birthday Today, you dumbo. You got to buy something for her.

That’s what I felt when I had to choose a birthday gift for someone I had known for years. But it’s Jess we’re talking about, and picking just anything wasn’t an option.

The gift had to be as unique and vibrant as she was. 

It had to scream, “Jess, this one’s for you, you amazing human!”

And that’s when the challenge began – a quest to find that perfect something that would make her eyes sparkle and her heart sing. 

A quest that led me down the rabbit hole of endless possibilities, where every click opened a door to a new world of gifting options. 

But hey, that’s part of the fun, isn’t it? 

The thrill of the chase, the joy of discovering something new and unexpected. The painstaking hopping across the streets to eventually land your eye on something that you might never be able to afford, LOL. 

Whatever it is, I want to make sure that you don’t have to go through the same ordeal as I did. 

So, what I have done is shortlisted a massive list of some amazing gift birthday gift ideas for your bestie.

Some are cheap, some are expensive, but trust me, all of them are awesome. 

Why awesome? 

I am going to tell you the exact reason. 

Check these out. 

Birthday Gift Ideas For Your Best Friend [Female]

We girls are not easy to please. 

I mean, if I was a friend and you were supposed to gift me something amazing, a simple outfit won’t suffice. 

The gift needs to speak volumes about our strengths through thick and thin. 

The hardships we have endured, the fun we have had, and the love we have for each other. 

So, if I were you, here are some options that are definitely worth trying. 

1. A heartfelt letter expressing your appreciation for her friendship

Gifts require money but letters – they require an emotional connect with the receiver. 

I remember when I received my first letter on my day of Graduation from one of my friends who lived 8000 miles away (guess, there was no internet back then) and I tell you,  I have never forgotten how that made me feel. 

It was priceless! 

Words hold a power that money simply can’t buy. 

Hence, put that pen on paper and let your heart pour onto the page. 

Tell your best friend what she means to you, share cherished memories, express your gratitude for her friendship, and let her know how much you’ll always be there for her.

a man writing something

2. Front-seat tickets to a sporting event or game

The roar of the crowd, the electric atmosphere… it’s an experience that creates memories that last a lifetime. 

Remember that time we screamed ourselves hoarse cheering for our favorite team? 

And the sad part is that the team lost and you eventually made up the sadness with a pineapple pizza (which actually doubled the pain).  

That was pure, unadulterated joy!

You are about to give your bestie that feeling again, those front-row seats, the chance to be right in the heart of the action. It’s a gift that speaks volumes about your shared passions and the fun-loving bond you share.

a woman watching a movie

3. A piece of art or home décor that oozes flamboyance 

There’s something magical about art and home décor, the way it transforms a space, reflects personality, and sparks the right conversations about how stupid your ex was. 

And you are about to gift her a statement piece, something bold and beautiful that makes her eyes light up every time she sees it. 

It could be a painting, a quirky sculpture, or even an elegant vase. 

Whatever it is, let it be a reflection of her unique spirit and the vibrant energy she brings to your life. It’s a gift that says, “I see you, I celebrate you, and I want your home to be as fabulous as you are!”

a vase and floating shelves

4. A tech gadget that she doesn’t have

Okay, so maybe your best friend isn’t exactly a tech whiz.

Maybe she still uses a flip phone and thinks “the cloud” is where birds hang out. 

But hey, that’s where you come in, tech support extraordinaire! 

Find that one gadget she doesn’t have but could secretly be pining for. 

Is it a pair of noise-canceling headphones so she can block out the world (and maybe you, on occasion)? 

A smartwatch to track her steps, even if it’s just from the couch to the fridge? 

Or maybe, just maybe, a universal remote so she can finally figure out how to turn on the TV without calling you for the hundredth time. 

Trust me, the look on her face when she realizes she can now control her entire living room with the push of a button will be priceless. 

Almost as priceless as the peace and quiet you’ll get when she stops calling you for tech support.

A Woman Using Virtual Goggles

5. Gift card to her favorite store or online retailer

Look, I get it. 

Sometimes, the thought of picking out the perfect gift is just too much. You start to stress, you second-guess yourself, you have nightmares about gifting her a sweater that she’ll secretly hate but pretend to love out of pity. 

So, why not take the easy way out? 

Give her a gift card to her favorite store or online retailer and let her do the heavy lifting. 

Hey, it’s the thought that counts, right? 

Plus, this way, you can be sure she’ll actually like what she gets. 

And who knows, maybe she’ll even use that gift card to buy you something nice. 

Okay, maybe that’s wishful thinking, but hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?

Person's Holds Brown Gift Box

6. A Hiking or Kayaking Pass

Alright, so maybe your bestie isn’t exactly the outdoorsy type. 

Maybe her idea of roughing it is a night without Wi-Fi. 

But there’s a first time for everything. 

Gifting her a hiking or kayaking pass could be just the push she needs to ditch the couch and explore the great outdoors. Who knows, she might discover a hidden talent for scaling mountains or navigating rapids. 

Or, more likely, she’ll end up faceplanting in a mud puddle and cursing your name. 

Either way, it’s bound to be an adventure. 

Just make sure you’re there to document the whole thing for blackmail purposes later.

a mountain range, dynamic shot

7. A plant or flowers for her home or garden

This one’s a bit cliché, but hear me out. A plant or flowers can brighten up any space and bring a touch of nature indoors (or outdoors, if she’s lucky enough to have a garden). 

Plus, it’s a gift that keeps on giving, as long as she remembers to water it. And if she doesn’t, well, that’s just another opportunity for you to make a sarcastic comment about her lack of gardening skills. 

Just be prepared for the inevitable eye roll and a half-hearted threat to use the plant as a weapon.

a garden

8. Tickets to a theater performance or a musical

Find a performance that speaks to her soul, or at least, won’t make her fall asleep. 

Is it a classic musical with show-stopping numbers she can hum along to (even if she gets the lyrics wrong)? 

A cutting-edge play that will spark lively debate over post-show drinks (and maybe even a few tears)? 

Or maybe, just maybe, a comedy show that will leave her in stitches and make her forget about the pile of laundry waiting for her at home. 

Trust me, the look on her face when the curtains rise and the magic begins will be priceless. 

Almost as priceless as the bragging rights you’ll get when you tell everyone you introduced her to her new favorite pastime.

People at Concert

9. A new book signed by her favorite author, if possible

This one might require a bit of detective work. 

Does your best friend have a favorite author? 

Is there a new release on the horizon? 

If so, track down a signed copy and become her literary hero. 

If not, well, there’s always the option of a gift card to her favorite bookstore (see point #5). 

But hey, wouldn’t it be cooler to surprise her with a personalized message from her literary idol? 

Maybe a heartfelt inscription about the power of friendship, a witty remark about the joys of reading, or even a doodle of a cat wearing a monocle (hey, you never know). 

Trust me, the look on her face when she opens that book and sees the inscription will be priceless. 

Almost as priceless as the smug satisfaction you’ll feel knowing you pulled off the impossible.

a book signing event

10. Personalized stationery or notecards

Maybe your best friend isn’t exactly Emily Post. 

Maybe her idea of a thank-you note is a text message with a thumbs-up emoji. 

But hey, that’s where you come in, etiquette expert extraordinaire! 

Gift her some personalized stationery or notecards and watch her transform into a regular Miss Manners. Suddenly, she’ll be writing thank-you notes for everything, even for that questionable fruitcake you gave her last Christmas. 

And who knows, maybe she’ll even start sending you handwritten letters, filled with witty anecdotes and hilarious observations. 

Okay, maybe that’s wishful thinking, but hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?


11. A piece of jewelry she’s been eyeing forever

Have you ever thought of that necklace she’s been staring at longingly every time you pass by that jewelry store window? 

The one that makes her eyes sparkle brighter than the diamonds themselves? 

Yeah, that one. 

Take a deep breath, swallow your pride (and maybe a couple of antacids), and buy it for her. 

Sure, it might set you back a few months’ rent, but seeing her face light up when she opens that little velvet box? 


Just try not to think about the fact that you’ll be eating ramen noodles for the foreseeable future. 

Hey, sacrifices must be made in the name of friendship, right?

Silver and Gold Couple Ring

12. A horror movie night 

Maybe your friend isn’t into romance and drama. 

Maybe she’s more of a “blood, guts, and gore” kind of gal. 

No problem! 

Plan a horror movie night for the two of you. 

Rent all the classics, stock up on popcorn and candy (the kind that’ll rot her teeth and leave her bouncing off the walls), and settle in for a night of screams, jump scares, and maybe a few nightmares. 

Hey, it’s a bonding experience, right? 

Plus, if she gets too scared, you can always offer her a comforting hug… or maybe just laugh at her while she hides behind the couch. 

Either way, it’ll be a night to remember or something to forget (depending on how many nightmares you both have afterwards).

poster of the strangers trilogy

13. A set of newly launched luxury bath products

Maybe your girl isn’t exactly a “bath person.” 

Maybe she thinks a bubble bath is just a regular bath with extra soap. But hey, that’s where you come in, luxury bath product connoisseur! 

Introduce her to bath bombs, salts, and body oils that smell like a tropical vacation. Trust me, the look on her face when she realizes that baths can be more than just a way to get clean will be priceless.

Almost as priceless as the peace and quiet you’ll get when she’s finally relaxed enough to stop talking for five minutes. 

And hey, if she doesn’t like it, you can always use those fancy bath products yourself. 

After all, you deserve a little pampering too, right?

Bath Bombs and Candle in a Bathroom

14. A gift card for a massage or other pampering service

Look, sometimes the best gift you can give is the gift of relaxation. 

And let’s face it, who couldn’t use a little more of that in their lives? 

So, why not give your bestie a gift card for a massage, a facial, or maybe even a mani-pedi? 

Trust me, the look on her face when she realizes she can finally take a break from the stresses of daily life will be priceless. 

Almost as priceless as the peace and quiet you’ll get when she’s too relaxed to talk your ear off. 

And hey, if she’s feeling generous, maybe she’ll even let you join her for a couples massage. 

Four Lit Tealights

15. Tickets to a museum or her favorite art exhibition

Culture. Class. Elegance. 

That’s what makes your bestie the girl she is. 

And for that very reason, she might like staring at paintings and sculptures instead of just using them as a backdrop for selfies.

Well, lucky for you, there’s a gift that’s perfect for her pretentious side: tickets to a museum or her favorite art exhibition. 

Sure, you might have to endure hours of her waxing poetic about brushstrokes and symbolism, but hey, it’s a small price to pay for a gift that she’ll actually appreciate. 

And who knows, maybe you’ll even learn something. 

Or, more likely, you’ll find a comfortable bench to nap on while she wanders through the exhibits. 

Either way, it’s a win-win.

museum of modern art

16. A beautiful gift basket filled with her favorite things

In case you want to not spend much of your time and thinking on the perfect gift,  there’s a foolproof option that even you can’t mess up: a gift basket filled with all her favorite things. It’s like a personalized care package designed to make her feel loved and pampered. 

Fill it with her favorite snacks, drinks, bath products, candles, magazines, or whatever else she fancies. 

Heck, throw in a few lottery tickets for good measure. 

It’s the perfect way to say, “I care about you, even if I don’t always know what you like.” 

Just don’t be surprised if she starts dropping hints about what to put in the basket next year.

Brown Woven Basket on the White Floor

17. A quirky new outfit

What if your bestie’s fashion sense is questionable? 

What if she is her 20s but she’s got a closet full of mismatched patterns, neon colors, and clothes that haven’t been in style since the 80s?

Don’t worry because that’s what makes her unique, right? 

Why not embrace her quirky style and give her a new outfit that screams “I’m weird and I love it“? 

Maybe it’s a pair of sequined leggings, a t-shirt with a cat meme on it, or a hat that looks like a giant pizza. The goal is to find something that she’ll love but that also makes you question your own sanity. 

Who knows, maybe she’ll even start a new fashion trend. 

And if not, hey, at least you’ll get a good laugh out of it.

Full body of barefoot female with bent leg sitting in nature on white background and covering half face with magazine

18. A set of gourmet coffee or tea

Let’s be real, your girl is already high-strung enough. 

Why not fuel their anxiety with a high dose of caffiene? 

We’re talking about the kind of coffee that makes your heart race and your hands shake. At least it’ll taste good while they’re having a nervous breakdown reminiscing about her toxic exes. 

Plus, think of all the passive-aggressive “Thanks for the jitters, bestie!” texts you’ll get. 

Bonus points if the coffee or tea has a pretentious name like “Ethiopian Yirgacheffe” or “Silver Needle White Tea.”

a cup of coffee

19. A donation to a cause she cares about

This one is the ultimate “I forgot your birthday until the last minute” gift. 

Nothing says “I care” like throwing some cash at a charity in your friend’s name. It’s the perfect way to avoid actually putting any thought into a gift while still looking like a good person. 

Maybe the warm fuzzy feeling of doing a good deed will distract them from the fact that you didn’t get them anything they actually wanted. 

Just make sure to post about it on social media so everyone knows how thoughtful you are.

By social media, I meant Insta, FB and Tiktok.

No Snapchat please. Ew. 

happy kid in village

20. A personalized cutting board or kitchen utensil

A personalized cutting board with their name on it is sure to make them feel like they’ve finally made it in life (provided she likes cooking). 

Bonus points if you get it engraved with a passive-aggressive message like “Please don’t dull my knives” or “Stop using my cutting board as a cheese plate.” 

As for kitchen utensils, nothing says “I love you” like a personalized spatula or whisk. 

It’s a subtle way of saying, “I know you’re secretly a hoarder of kitchen gadgets, so here’s another one to add to your collection.”

a kitchen board with text - Don't Dull My Knives

21. A set of wine glasses or cocktail accessories

If your friend is the type who thinks they’re a sommelier or mixologist just because they watched a few YouTube videos, this is the gift for them. 

A set of wine glasses with their initials on them is sure to inflate their ego. Just be prepared for endless lectures about the “notes of oak and vanilla” in their two-buck Chuck. 

As for cocktail accessories, why not get them a set of tiny umbrellas or swizzle sticks? 

After all, nothing says “sophisticated” like a drink that looks like it belongs in a tiki bar.

Two People Toasting Flute Glasses

22. A new board game or puzzle

This is the perfect way to say, “I’m giving you something that will inevitably lead to frustration, arguments, and the potential destruction of our friendship.” 

Puzzles can be tough to conquer.  Especially ones that makes you want to throw the game pieces across the room. Bonus points if it’s a game with complicated rules that nobody understands or a puzzle with 1,000 tiny pieces that are impossible to fit together. 

Just remember, you’re not responsible for any emotional scarring that may occur.

Close Up Photo of Monopoly Board Game

23. A club hopping session 

Let’s get this straight – you’re gifting your bestie a night of questionable decisions, deafening music, and the potential for a truly epic hangover. 

And who wouldn’t want that, right? 

Because nothing says “Happy Birthday” like stumbling through a crowded bar, spilling drinks on strangers, and losing your dignity on the dance floor. 

Just make sure you have a designated driver or a reliable Uber app. 

Also, prepare for the inevitable “Why did I let you talk me into this?” texts the next morning.

People Dancing Inside Dim Room

24. A photograph capturing her favorite moment

Nostalgia peaks here. 

Frame a blurry, poorly lit photo from that one time you guys got lost in a corn maze or accidentally set off the fire alarm at a hotel. 

It’s the perfect reminder of your questionable decision-making skills and the fact that you’ve somehow survived this long as friends. 

Bonus points for adding a snarky caption like, “Remember that time we almost died? Good times.”

Classic Photo Of Smiling Mother And Daughter Sitting On An Armchair

25. A set of high-quality art supplies

Unleash your bestie’s inner Van Gogh…or maybe just their inner toddler with finger paints. 

Either way, high-quality art supplies are the perfect gift for the friend who’s always complaining about their lack of creative talent. 

Let them channel their frustrations into abstract expressionism or just a really messy watercolor painting of your cat. 

Who knows, maybe they’ll discover a hidden talent. 

Or, more likely, you’ll end up with a hilarious collection of “art” to hang on your fridge.

Assorted-color Bricks

26. A scrapbook that contains some kickass motivation quotes

Because nothing screams “Happy Birthday!” like a passive-aggressive reminder that your bestie’s life isn’t quite where they want it to be. 

This scrapbook, overflowing with quotes about hustling, grinding, and never giving up, is the perfect way to subtly imply they need to get their act together. 

Who needs a heartfelt message when you can have a collection of generic platitudes printed on pastel paper? 

Bonus points if you include a few quotes about the importance of exercise and healthy eating – a gentle nudge towards that gym membership they keep promising to buy.

Inspirational Quotes On A Planner

27. An at-home fitness equipment

This one is a classic for a reason. 

Forget celebrating another year of life, let’s focus on how your friend’s body is slowly betraying them. A shiny new treadmill or set of dumbbells is a not-so-subtle hint that maybe it’s time to ditch the happy hour cocktails for some sweat sessions. 

It’s the gift that keeps on giving… guilt, that is. 

Imagine the joy on their face as they unwrap a reminder of their expanding waistline. 

And hey, if they actually use it, you can take all the credit for their transformation! 

Just try not to gloat too much when they start posting gym selfies.

Woman Doing Push-Ups

28. A weekend workshop or class

Remember how she always talks about wanting to learn something new, but never actually does it? 

Well, here’s your chance to enable their procrastination! 

Gift them a weekend workshop on a topic they’ll never actually use – underwater basket weaving, interpretive dance, or perhaps a crash course in Klingon. 

Woman in White Dress Hanging on Pole

29. A piece of handmade pottery or artwork

You want to give them something unique and meaningful? 

How about a misshapen clay bowl that looks like it was made by a kindergartener? 

Or maybe a “modern art” painting that consists of a single splatter of paint? 

This gift screams, “I tried, but I clearly don’t understand art.” 

But hey, at least it’ll spark some lively conversation – like, “What is that, exactly?” and “Did you seriously pay money for this?”

Handmade Pots Made of Clay

30. A donation of your time to help her with a project or chore

An ultimate frenemy move. 

You’re basically saying, “Your life is such a mess, I’m willing to sacrifice my precious free time to fix it.” 

Maybe she actually needs help cleaning out their overflowing closet or finally finishing that DIY project they started six months ago. 

Just be prepared for a lot of eye-rolling and passive-aggressive sighing. And who knows, maybe you’ll even find a long-lost sock or two in the process.

Shallow Focus of Clear Hourglass

Birthday Gift Ideas For Your Best Friend [Male]

Well, men are way less demanding, right? 

But they deserve all the love and attention that our female besties do. And hence, in order to show them that you care, here are 30 amazing ideas to choose from. 

1. Custom socks with his face on them

What’s more hilariously disturbing than forcing your best bro to walk around with mini versions of his own face plastered on his feet? 

Every step becomes a narcissistic nightmare. It’s the perfect gift for that buddy who’s just a little too into himself. 

Imagine the selfies he’ll take! 

Plus, when those socks inevitably get lost in the laundry, it’ll be like a tiny piece of his soul disappears forever. 


Close-up of People Wearing Socks with Heels

2. A hot sauce making kit

If he fancies himself to be a culinary daredevil, why not encourage their questionable hobby with a hot sauce making kit? 

Nothing says “I love you, bro” like potentially giving them chemical burns on their tastebuds. They’ll be sweating and swearing up a storm in the kitchen, trying to concoct the perfect blend of pain and flavor. 

Just be prepared to sample their creations… if you dare. 

Hey, it might be terrible, but at least it’ll make for a good story (and a great Instagram post).

Assorted Chilies on Brown Wooden Table

3. A vintage video game console (like an NES or SNES)

Nothing says “I support your arrested development” like gifting a dusty relic from their childhood. Let them relive the glory days of pixelated graphics and 8-bit sound, as they neglect their adult responsibilities and descend into a nostalgic haze. 

Bonus points if you can find a game cartridge with a yellowing label and a truly awful cover art. 

Hey, at least you won’t have to worry about them bothering you for a while.

Nintendo Entertainment System Video Game Console

4. A “World’s Best Friend” trophy

Because nothing screams “I’m the best!” like a cheap, plastic trophy that probably came from a dollar store. It’s the perfect way to stroke their ego and remind them of how lucky they are to have you as a friend. 

Plus, it’ll look great gathering dust on their shelf, right next to that participation award they got in high school. 

Just don’t be surprised if they start demanding a parade in their honor.

a trophy with text - World's Best Friend

5. A personalized bobblehead of himself

This is the perfect gift for the guy who already thinks he’s God’s gift to the world. 

Just imagine him proudly displaying it on his desk, head bobbing along in agreement with every word he utters. Sure, it might be a tad narcissistic, but hey, who are we to judge? 

Plus, it’ll make a great conversation starter at parties: “Hey, check out this miniature version of my friend’s giant ego!”

a bobblehead of a man

6. A set of whiskey stones and glasses

This is for your sophisticated friend who’s too good for ice. 

Because apparently, diluting perfectly good whiskey is a crime against humanity. 

With these fancy stones, he can chill his drink without sacrificing any of that precious alcohol content. Never mind the fact that ice actually does a better job of cooling. 

It’s the thought that counts, right? 

Besides, it’s not like he’ll actually use them. They’ll probably end up collecting dust in a cabinet next to his other unused “manly” accessories. 

But hey, at least you can say you tried to cater to his refined tastes.

Clear Shot Glass on Black Wooden Table

7. A quirky tie or pair of cufflinks

Nothing screams “midlife crisis” quite like a grown man wearing a tie with cartoon characters on it or cufflinks shaped like tiny rubber chickens. 

This is the gift that says, “I know you’re desperately clinging to your youth, so here’s something to embarrass your kids with.” 

It’s even more fun if the tie clashes horribly with every shirt he owns. 

At least it’ll give his coworkers something to chuckle about during those mind-numbing meetings.

A Man Holding a Glass

8. A book of dad jokes or puns

Arm your buddy with an arsenal of eye-roll-inducing puns and jokes so terrible they’re actually funny. 

Watch as he proudly unleashes these comedic gems on unsuspecting victims (his family, friends, and the poor cashier at the grocery store). 

This book is guaranteed to make him the undisputed king of cringeworthy humor. You might even want to throw in a pair of earplugs for yourself – you know, for when he inevitably tests out his new material on you.

9. A subscription to a unique snack box

Is your friend a bottomless pit of hunger? 

Does he have the palate of a five-year-old but the appetite of a linebacker? 

Then congratulations, you’ve found the perfect way to enable his questionable eating habits! 

Sign him up for a subscription to a snack box full of weird and wonderful treats he would never buy for himself. 

We’re talking artisanal beef jerky, bacon-flavored popcorn, and maybe even some cricket protein bars for good measure. 

Just don’t be surprised when he texts you at 2 am looking for someone to share his latest culinary adventure with. 

After all, misery loves company.

a box filled with cookies

10. A DIY bonsai tree kit

Forget therapy – this bonsai kit is the ultimate test of patience and sanity. 

Watch in amusement as your buddy descends into madness, desperately trying to prune a tiny tree into submission. Hours will be wasted, tears will be shed, and yet, the end result will probably look like something a squirrel coughed up. 

But hey, at least it’ll give him something to do besides playing video games all day, right? 

Plus, you can always use it as a prop for your next dramatic Instagram story.

a bonsai tree

11. A levitating plant pot

This gift is perfect for the dude who’s still living in his mom’s basement and has way too much time on his hands. Seriously though, who needs a levitating plant pot? 

It’s not like it’s going to water itself (though that would be a cool upgrade). 

Maybe he can use it as a conversation starter when he brings a date home. “Hey, check out my floating plant pot! It’s like magic, but with magnets.”

Jokes aside, try this gift out if you want some sweet revenge on your buddy. 

a levitating plant pot

12. A retro lunch box with his favorite childhood snacks

Newsflash: your friend is not a kid anymore. 

This gift is basically a free pass to regress back to their elementary school days. We’re talking Dunkaroos, Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups… the whole nine yards. Just be prepared for the inevitable sugar crash and subsequent existential crisis that will follow. 

On the plus side, maybe it’ll inspire them to finally move out of their parents’ house and into adulthood.

a lunchbox with food

13. A personalized comic book starring him

Nothing says “I value our friendship” like immortalizing your buddy in a comic book where he’s undoubtedly the hero. 

He can finally live out his fantasies of being a muscle-bound superhero, a suave secret agent, or a misunderstood genius inventor. Bonus points if you throw in a villain that suspiciously resembles his ex-girlfriend or that guy who always steals his parking spot. 

Just be prepared to hear him narrate his own epic adventures for the rest of the year.

personalized comic book

14. A “mystery box” filled with random goodies

Let’s face it, your friend is a walking dumpster fire. 

So why not give him a box full of equally random and questionable items? 

Think expired candy, socks with holes, a half-used bottle of cologne, and maybe a “World’s Best Boss” mug he can ironically display on his desk. 

It’s the perfect gift for the guy who already has everything… because let’s be honest, he probably doesn’t need anything else. 

The real gift here is the look on his face when he opens it and tries to figure out what you were thinking.

a mystery box

15. A beer brewing kit or a home brewing course

Time to put those taste buds (and patience) to the test with a beer brewing kit or home brewing course. 

Sure, there might be a few questionable batches at first, but who knows, maybe he’ll stumble upon a recipe that doesn’t taste like fermented socks. Either way, you’ll be entertained by the endless bragging about his “hoppy masterpiece” and the inevitable beer belly that follows. 

Cheers to that!

a beer brewing kit

16. A set of personalized grilling tools

Is your bestie the self-proclaimed grill master of the universe? 

Well, it’s time to fuel that ego with a set of personalized grilling tools. 

Engrave his initials, a ridiculous nickname, or even his face on those tongs and spatula. Watch as he struts around the backyard, flipping burgers with an air of unwarranted authority. And hey, if the food turns out burnt, at least he’ll look good doing it. 

Plus, those tools will make for a hilarious conversation starter at every cookout.

a set of grilling tools with grilled chicken beside it

17. A custom-made cartoon portrait

We’re going for the jugular here – a custom-made cartoon portrait that magnifies all his awkward angles and questionable fashion choices. 

Think of it as his own personal caricature, only less flattering and way more hilarious. Who needs a mirror when they can have their own cartoon self reflecting back at them? 

Bonus points if you can get the artist to include a speech bubble with their most embarrassing catchphrase.

a cartoon portrait of a man

18. A pair of funky slippers or socks

Let’s be honest, a man’s fashion sense sometimes stops at his ankles. 

So why not embrace the absurdity with a pair of funky slippers or socks? 

We’re talking about the kind of footwear that screams “mid-life crisis” or “I’ve given up on trying.” 

Think neon colors, questionable patterns, and maybe even a few strategically placed googly eyes. It’s the perfect way to say, “I support your questionable fashion choices, but only from the knees down.” 

And hey, who knows, maybe those socks will finally inspire them to put on a pair of pants that don’t have holes in them.

a pair of sneakers

19. A set of unique board games or card games

Perfect for the friend who still thinks fart jokes are hilarious. 

Help them unleash their inner child (or man-child) with a selection of board games that celebrate questionable humor, brutal competition, and strategic backstabbing. 

Something like “Cards Against Humanity” on steroids, or a trivia game where the questions are so obscure, even Google can’t help. 

The goal is to provide hours of entertainment while simultaneously testing your friendship’s limits.

Pro Tip: Throw in a pair of noise-canceling headphones for yourself, just in case the game night devolves into a screaming match.

Person About to Catch Four Dices

20. A portable hammock for camping or lounging

Because nothing says “I’m a rugged outdoorsman” like dangling between two trees in a glorified sling. 

Gift your friend the ultimate symbol of relaxation, or as they’ll probably call it, a “nap pod.” It’s the perfect accessory for their next camping trip, backyard barbecue, or midday work break. 

Just don’t be surprised if they start referring to themselves as “Hammock Man.”

a hammock

21. A mini drone with a camera

This gift is perfect for the bestie who always wanted to be a spy but ended up working in IT. He can now fulfill his childhood dreams of aerial surveillance, all while capturing stunning footage of your neighbor’s sunbathing cat. 

Just be prepared for the inevitable “drone fails” compilation video that will surface on social media. 

At least you’ll have something to blackmail him with.

a drone

22. A virtual reality headset

Finally, a way for your bestie to escape the crushing reality of his existence! 

This high-tech gadget will transport him to a world where he’s not just a dude in his pajamas eating Doritos on the couch. He can be a superhero, a race car driver, or even a magical wizard! 

Of course, there’s also the chance he’ll just end up wandering around aimlessly, bumping into walls and tripping over furniture. 

But hey, at least it’ll be entertaining for you to watch.

Side view of male gesticulating while experiencing virtual reality in headset in house room in daytime

23. A 3D pen for creating sculptures

The 3D Pen is a perfect gift for someone who thinks they were an artist but couldn’t even draw a stick figure. Now they can turn their questionable creativity into a three-dimensional mess! 

Just imagine the hours of fun (and frustration) as they try to sculpt a masterpiece that ends up looking like a melted blob of plastic. 

Bonus points if you gift them a book on “Modern Art Interpretation” so they can explain their “vision” to everyone.

a 3d pen

24. A custom-made song or rap about him

Forget about a heartfelt card or a meaningful gift, this is the age of cringe! 

Immortalize your friend’s embarrassing moments, questionable fashion choices, and failed dating attempts in a personalized song or rap. 

Who needs a professional studio when you have a karaoke mic and a free beat on YouTube? 

Be sure to drop some sick rhymes about their questionable dance moves or that time they got lost in IKEA. 

Warning: Just be prepared for a lifelong feud if the lyrics are too accurate.

Cheerful elderly man listening to music in headphones

25. A funny t-shirt with a quirky slogan

Find a shirt with a slogan so ridiculous that it’s actually hilarious. 

Think: “I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving mode,” or “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.” 

Bonus points if it’s slightly offensive. 

He’ll either love it ironically, or you’ll have successfully exposed his terrible sense of humor. 


a man wearing a white tshirt

26. A pair of novelty sunglasses

Help your best friend embrace their inner goofball with a pair of sunglasses that are anything but subtle. 

Giant pizza slice frames, shutter shades that scream “party time,” or even those ridiculous ones with fake mustaches attached – these are some ideas you can try.

Sure, they might look like a complete idiot, but hey, isn’t that what best friends are for? 

Just be warned, they might try to wear them ironically to a fancy event.

a pair of novelty sunglass

27. A personalized beer stein or growler

Get his name engraved on a hefty stein or a growler that screams, “I’m a functional alcoholic!” 

Bonus points for a goofy nickname or an inside joke that’ll make him groan while chugging his fourth IPA. 

Hey, at least he’ll have a cool vessel to hold his tears when he inevitably spills beer on his favorite shirt. 

It’s the gift that keeps on giving… hangovers, that is.

a beer stein

28. A quirky coffee mug with a hidden message

Get him a mug with a hidden message that only reveals itself when he’s finished his coffee. 

Imagine his surprise when he sees “World’s Okayest Friend” at the bottom of his cup. It’s a subtle way to remind him that while he might be your best friend, he still has a long way to go before achieving legendary status. 

Or, go for something truly unexpected, like a mug that changes color to reveal a picture of his ex. 

Just kidding…mostly.

a cup with text - world's okay'est friend

29. A “Build Your Own Fort” Kit

Remember that feeling of invincibility you had as a kid, hiding out in a blanket fort? 

Yeah, me neither. 

But hey, apparently some people enjoyed it. 

So, why not give your man-child bestie the gift of reliving their childhood trauma… I mean, glory days? 

This kit probably includes a bunch of sheets, clothespins, and maybe even a headlamp (for extra dramatic flair). 

Perfect for hiding from adult responsibilities, re-watching cartoons, and pretending that student loan bills don’t exist. 

Warning: may induce regression to a pre-pubescent state.

a fort made out of building blocks

30. A “Survival Kit” filled with funny and practical items

This isn’t your average “bear Grylls in the wilderness” survival kit. 

Oh no, this is tailored for the modern man facing the perils of daily life. We’re talking a pack of instant coffee for those brutal Monday mornings, a stain remover pen for inevitable food mishaps, and maybe even a mini bottle of their favorite liquor (for emergencies, obviously). 

Throw in some duct tape (because duct tape fixes everything), a pack of gum (for questionable breath situations), and maybe even a funny pair of socks (because why not?). 

This kit is a hilarious reminder that adulthood is basically one big survival challenge.

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